OCA Oracle Database 12c SQL Fundamentals I Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-061)
By: | Roopesh Ramklass |
Publisher: | McGraw-Hill Professional |
Print ISBN: | 9780071820288 |
eText ISBN: | 9780071820295 |
Edition: | 2 |
Copyright: | 2014 |
Format: | Reflowable |
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A Complete Study System for OCA Exam 1Z0-061 Prepare for the Oracle Certified Associate Oracle Database 12c SQL Fundamentals I exam with this Oracle Press guide. Each chapter features challenging exercises, a certification summary, a two-minute drill, and a self-test to reinforce the topics presented. This authoritative resource helps you pass the exam and also serves as an essential, on-the-job reference. Get complete coverage of all OCA objectives for exam 1Z0-061, including: Data retrieval using the SQL SELECT statement Restricting and sorting data Single-row functions Using conversion functions and conditional expressions Reporting aggregated data with the group functions Displaying data from multiple tables with joins Using subqueries to solve problems Using the set operators Manipulating data with DML statements Using DDL statements to create and manage tables Electronic content includes: 150+ practice exam questions with detailed answers and explanations Score report performance assessment tool